Witnesses Come Forward
Just when everyone thought it was the end of the road, some people in the neighborhood reported even having seen the monkey and the puppy together. Reports were rather unusual as it explained that the monkey took care of the puppy but seemed to guard it as though it were one of its own. People were surprised at these accounts and could hardly believe it. Could it be true that the monkey took the puppy for the wrong reasons?

The inquisitive owner began to draw the facts out of each of the witnesses, gathering together the different pieces of information from every account. All accounts balanced with one another and appeared to suggest that the monkey was surprisingly well caring for the puppy. This suggested that the monkey was not treating the puppy as a prey or plaything but rather was acting as if to treat it as a type of companion. The testimonies were saturated with little gleams of hope in the light of the presumed badness of the situation.
Once the puzzle pieces began to fall into place, everything made sense. This initial aggression and danger now was replaced with an unusual relationship that was of fascination. Stories from eyewitness accounts would tell a different story altogether; this interest stirred more interest. Was there more to it than anyone had ever thought?