Early Fears and Assumptions
First off, while the owner looked at the monkey, it made her fear what the monkey intended to do. Monkeys, after all, are sometimes aggressive, and one genuinely feared for the puppy’s safety. In some cases, these rare events occur with some consequences and sometimes do not end up well. The thought of such an injury or worse cut through everyone’s mind. Indeed, the owner’s heart hurts at imagining the puppy amidst distress and the helplessness in the hands of a monkey.

The community also shared these concerns. They grew accustomed to seeing monkeys in the area but had never seen one that would actually perpetrate such a matter. Whispers filled the air as people discussed each possible outcome, and most feared the worst. In fact, it was even suggested that the monkey must have had the intention of harming the puppy either due to territorial instincts or because it wanted to play. Amidst these gloomy predictions, the owner had a hard time staying hopeful.
Hours turned into days, and hope began to dwindle. It seemed that in the little puppy, the owner lost a part of himself, that he started regretting his absence in sorrow and guilt, asking himself what he should have done to ward off the situation. Mystery and helplessness started building up, but what people found to be a tragic situation was about to take a turn that would astonish them all.