Conditioning the monkey and puppy to have a routine
This bonding between the monkey and puppy continued, so changes were evident to the owner as well as his community so that they could support this special combination. They went out making an arrangement about food so that nobody starved and kept a routine check on the overall wellness without closing up their space. It appeared that the monkey enjoyed this arrangement, taking the puppy to places where food was kept and thus making sure it was fed too.

The owner noted that the monkey even adapted its daily routine according to the schedule, and each day it brought the puppy to familiar places. It was comfort for the owner to see that the monkey was actively caring for all of the puppy’s needs. The puppy also thrived in this kind environment, learning to trust its unusual caregiver.
This way, the owner could find a balance between care for the puppy and respect to the role of the monkey. It was a sensitive arrangement but one that honored the bond the two animals had developed with each other. Sometimes, sometimes, it is best to let nature take its course.